General Manager Word
After Greetings
I am pleased and honored to welcome you to the electronic platform of the Eleven Plus Foundation, and I invite you to view through this platform the diligent and serious work that the Foundation has done – and is still – to achieve its ambitions and goals, and to contribute to the realization of the Kingdom’s vision 2030 in order to be an added value to the national economy
We at Eleven Plus work through an ambitious strategy, which was prepared under the supervision, participation and follow-up of the company’s distinguished team. The Board of Directors reviewed it, and reviewed it carefully in several sessions, until it was approved; To be a path for the institution in its prosperous future, God willing
We look forward to being a path through which the Corporation, with its executive management and distinguished team, seeks to be included among the major leading companies to achieve the Kingdom’s ambition and aspirations in our various fields
Also, at Eleven Plus, we seek transparency, strengthening governance and institutional work; To ensure continued growth and creativity, and to innovate the tools for success, to be always in progress and growth
Through its website, Eleven Plus aspires to communicate with you, express your comments, and promises you to be the focus of attention and care from the specialists in the institution
We ask Allah to help and guide